We can photograph your products or artwork at our studio or at a location of your choice. We have a complete portable lighting system we can bring to your site, but because of windows, the sun, and other existing light sources, as well as furniture or other objects that might be in the way, we do have more control at our studio. However, we realize that some objects are permanent installations, or simply too large to move, so we do offer the option to come to you.
Decide what objects you need photographed, and whether you would like individual shots of each piece, or a grouping of pieces, or both. If your object is three dimensional, like a sculpture or piece of jewelry, consider what angle(s) would look best in a two dimensional photo. If you are not sure, we encourage clients to be present while the photo session is taking place, and we can experiment to see what looks best. If your work is flat, like a drawing or painting, decide if you want to include a frame in the photo. We CAN photograph through glass or Plexiglas if need be. Keep in mind, however, that a deep frame may throw shadows on the edges of the artwork.
Make sure all of your products or artwork are clean and free of dust, smudges and fingerprints. Feel free to bring whatever materials you normally use to clean your pieces to your photo session for touchups. If your work is highly reflective, like bronze sculpture or oil paintings, you may want to delay the final high gloss polish or lacquer coating until after the photos are taken.
Make sure you know what you need to end up with after the photo session. Do you need digital files for the web? Images for magazines or print ads? Portfolio prints? If you are entering a competition or need images for a juried show, be sure you know the exact image requirements for your submission. They should tell you if you need prints and/or digital files, and exactly what type and size of files they require.
Think about the purpose of your photos. Are they basic catalog shots that just need to show the object as clearly as possible against a neutral background? Or are you designing an ad where you want the image to really jump out and grab the attention of the viewer? Does the image need to match other images on a website or in an ad? Feel free to bring any props or background material that you think might enhance your pieces. Be careful not to overdo the props though. We want the focus of the image to be your object, not a lot of things around it in the background. We encourage you to bring any stands or display hardware you normally use with your pieces. Also, we have a wide variety of colored background paper and fabric that we can use here in the studio.
Again, we encourage you to be present while we create your photos. All of the above considerations do not have to be firmly decided before we start. The photo shoot will be a creative process, and we have lots of opportunity to change our minds, try different angles and lighting, or adjust things in the computer after the photos are taken.
See also:
FAQ: What kind of digital picture files do I need?
Tips: How to transfer photo files from a CD, DVD, email or Dropbox to your computer